
Maca Root vs. Medication: A Natural Approach to Healing

Maca Root vs. Medication: A Natural Approach to Healing

Maca Root vs. Medication: A Natural Approach to Healing As someone who had to undergo a partial hysterectomy and who was already taking multiple pills a day for various health issues, discovering that I was entering pre-menopause in my late 30s was incredibly...

Harnessing Dandelion: Natural Relief for Water Retention

Harnessing Dandelion: Natural Relief for Water Retention

Harnessing Dandelion: Natural Relief for Water Retention We all battle with the bloat. Whether it's hormonal imbalances, high sodium intake, or some more serious issues such as poor kidney function or liver diseaase. I've battled with it for many years on and off and...

Unlocking Cognitive Potential: The Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Unlocking Cognitive Potential: The Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Unlocking Cognitive Potential: The Benefits of Lion's Mane Mushroom   I love my Lion’s Mane! Whenever I need an extra pick-me-up for those BIG BRAIN work days, I turn to this incredible mushroom. As an educator, there are times when I need extra mental clarity,...

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