Maca Root vs. Medication: A Natural Approach to Healing

Maca Root vs. Medication: A Natural Approach to Healing


Maca Root vs. Medication: A Natural Approach to Healing

As someone who had to undergo a partial hysterectomy and who was already taking multiple pills a day for various health issues, discovering that I was entering pre-menopause in my late 30s was incredibly frustrating. I mean, really? What else could go wrong? I tried multiple hormone therapies, including estrogen lotions, testosterone injections, and even more pills.

Finding maca root on my journey to better health has been a true blessing. This adaptogen is something I cannot live without. I take it daily for its numerous benefits, which I will be listing here. Let’s delve right into comparing the all natural maca root to pharmacueticals.

In the realm of natural healing, maca root has emerged as a powerful ally, offering a range of health benefits that rival traditional medications. Let’s delve into the wonders of maca root and explore how this ancient superfood compares to conventional medications.

What is Maca Root?

Maca root, scientifically known as *Lepidium meyenii*, is a plant native to the high Andes of Peru. Often referred to as Peruvian ginseng, maca has been used for thousands of years to enhance energy, stamina, and fertility. It is available in various forms, including powder, capsules, and liquid extracts, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

Benefits of Maca Root

1. Hormonal Balance:
Maca Root: Known for its adaptogenic properties, maca helps balance hormones, making it beneficial for menopausal symptoms, menstrual irregularities, and improving fertility.
Medications: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and other hormone-regulating medications often come with side effects such as weight gain, mood swings, and an increased risk of certain cancers.

2. Energy and Stamina:
Maca Root: Regular consumption of maca root can boost energy levels, enhance athletic performance, and improve endurance without the jittery effects of caffeine.
Medications: Energy-boosting medications or supplements may lead to dependency, anxiety, and insomnia.

3. Mood and Mental Health:
Maca Root: Maca has shown promise in reducing anxiety and depression, likely due to its ability to stabilize hormonal levels and improve overall brain function.
Medications: Antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs, while effective, can cause side effects such as nausea, weight gain, and sexual dysfunction.

4. Libido and Sexual Health:
Maca Root: Traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, maca can enhance libido and sexual function in both men and women, thanks to its hormone-balancing effects.
Medications: Erectile dysfunction drugs and other sexual health medications may have side effects including headaches, dizziness, and heart problems.

Why Choose Maca Root?

– Natural and Safe: Maca is a natural food source with a long history of safe use, especially when consumed in moderate amounts.
– Nutrient-Rich: Packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants, maca supports overall health and well-being.
– Few Side Effects: Unlike many medications, maca root has minimal side effects. Some people might experience mild digestive issues, which can usually be mitigated by starting with a small dose and gradually increasing it.
– Holistic Approach: Maca addresses multiple aspects of health simultaneously, offering a holistic approach to wellness.

How to Incorporate Maca Root into Your Diet

Maca root is versatile and can be easily added to your daily diet. Here are some suggestions:
– Smoothies: Add a teaspoon of maca powder to your morning smoothie for an energy boost.
– Baking: Incorporate maca into baked goods like muffins and energy bars.
– Beverages: Stir maca powder into your coffee, tea, or hot chocolate.
– Supplements: Opt for maca capsules or extracts if you prefer a more concentrated dose.

What to Look for in Choosing Maca Root

1. Choose Organic: Opt for organic maca to ensure it’s free from pesticides and chemicals.

2. Look for Gelatinized Maca: Easier to digest and better absorbed by the body.

3. Check the Color: Different colors (yellow, red, black) offer various benefits. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

  • Yellow: Boosts energy, improves mood, and supports overall hormonal balance. Perfect for daily use to enhance vitality and well-being.
  • Red: Supports prostate health, reduces stress, and promotes strong bones. Perfect for men’s health and stress relief.
  • Black: Enhances memory, boosts libido, and improves stamina. Perfect for cognitive function and sexual health.

4. Read Labels: Ensure it’s pure maca root without additives or fillers.

5. Know the Source: Maca from Peru is considered the best due to its high-altitude growth environment.

6. Choose Reputable Brands: Go for trusted brands with good reviews and third-party testing.

While traditional medications play a crucial role in treating various health conditions, natural remedies like maca root offer a compelling alternative for those seeking a more holistic approach. By supporting hormonal balance, boosting energy, and enhancing mood and sexual health, maca root provides a range of benefits with fewer side effects. As always, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your health regimen, especially if you are currently taking medications.

My favorite is yellow maca. I find that it suites my needs in every area of hormonal balance. Here’s my favorite: Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Gelatinized Maca Powder Embrace the power of natural healing with maca root and experience the benefits of this incredible superfood! As always, please let me now if you try maca root and tell me about what it’s done to help you! I’ll look forward to hearing your testimony!

Join Our Facebook Group

We have a wonderful group of passionate members dedicated to natural healing and sharing!
Together, we explore the wonders of herbal remedies, seasonal recipes, food conservation, mindfulness, sustainable living, and everything in between.  Join our shared mission of promoting natural healing, self-care, and well-being. Your contributions matter, and together, we are creating a healthier, happier life.

Disclaimer: We are an affiliate of many companies, which means that we may receive a commission if you click on our affiliate link and make a purchase. However, this does not affect our reviews and comparisons. We strive to provide honest opinions and recommendations based on our own experiences and research. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.

Harnessing Dandelion: Natural Relief for Water Retention

Harnessing Dandelion: Natural Relief for Water Retention


Harnessing Dandelion: Natural Relief for Water Retention

We all battle with the bloat. Whether it’s hormonal imbalances, high sodium intake, or some more serious issues such as poor kidney function or liver diseaase. I’ve battled with it for many years on and off and it’s no fun! Water retention occurs when excess fluid builds up in the body’s tissues, leading to swelling in the feet, ankles, legs, or other areas. I’m here to tell you that dandelion can help! Lets dive right in and talk about how wonderful this weed is. 

How Dandelion Helps

  1. Natural Diuretic Properties: Dandelion acts as a gentle diuretic, encouraging the kidneys to increase urine production and eliminate excess fluid from the body. This helps reduce bloating and swelling associated with water retention.

  2. Potassium-Rich: Unlike synthetic diuretics that can deplete potassium levels, dandelion is naturally rich in potassium. Potassium helps balance sodium levels in the body, which in turn regulates fluid retention.

  3. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Dandelion contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce inflammation, which can contribute to water retention.

Incorporating Dandelion into Your Routine

  1. Dandelion Tea: Steep dried dandelion leaves or roots in hot water to make a soothing tea. Drink 1-3 cups daily to promote diuresis and reduce water retention. Here’s my favorite company for dandelion tea: Teecino They are so good that you can’t taste the bitter taste that comes with dandelion. 

  2. Fresh Dandelion Leaves: Add fresh dandelion leaves to salads or smoothies. They have a slightly bitter taste that pairs well with sweeter ingredients and provides a nutritional boost.

  3. Dandelion Supplements: Consider dandelion supplements in capsule or liquid extract form for convenience and consistent dosage.

Precautions and Considerations

  • Allergies: Individuals allergic to ragweed, marigold, daisies, or related plants may also be allergic to dandelion.
  • Medication Interactions: Consult with a healthcare professional before using dandelion supplements, especially if you are taking medications or have existing health conditions. 

Dandelion offers a natural and effective approach to reducing water retention, supporting holistic healing by promoting fluid balance and alleviating discomfort. Whether enjoyed as a tea, incorporated into meals, or taken as a supplement, dandelion provides a gentle yet potent solution for managing edema and supporting overall health.

Explore more about natural remedies and holistic health practices on our website, where we share insights and tips for achieving optimal health through natural means. Embrace the benefits of dandelion as part of your holistic wellness journey to promote well-being from within.

Join Our Facebook Group

We have a wonderful group of passionate members dedicated to natural healing and sharing!
Together, we explore the wonders of herbal remedies, seasonal recipes, food conservation, mindfulness, sustainable living, and everything in between.  Join our shared mission of promoting natural healing, self-care, and well-being. Your contributions matter, and together, we are creating a healthier, happier life.

Disclaimer: We are an affiliate of many companies, which means that we may receive a commission if you click on our affiliate link and make a purchase. However, this does not affect our reviews and comparisons. We strive to provide honest opinions and recommendations based on our own experiences and research. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.

The Benefits of Bromelain from Pineapple for Pain

The Benefits of Bromelain from Pineapple for Pain


The Benefits of Bromelain from Pineapple for Pain

I couldn’t contain my excitement when I discovered bromelain—it’s truly incredible! The benefits, especially its ability to alleviate chronic pain, completely blew me away. And the best part? It’s delicious too! I’ve included a fun recipe for pineapple tea. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in and explore all that bromelain has to offer for pain management.

The Benefits of Bromelain for Pain Management

Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples, is a natural powerhouse when it comes to managing pain. This remarkable enzyme has been used for centuries for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, providing a natural alternative to over-the-counter pain medications. It literally works immediately for me. If I’m in pain I’ll make a tea, add some pineapple core to a smoothie, or just cut into the pineapple and start eating!  Let’s explore how bromelain can help alleviate pain and improve your overall well-being.

How Bromelain Helps with Pain Management

1. Reduces Inflammation: Bromelain’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling and inflammation in the body, which can alleviate pain associated with conditions like arthritis, tendonitis, and sports injuries.

2. Alleviates Joint Pain: By reducing inflammation, bromelain can help ease the pain and stiffness in joints, making it beneficial for those with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

3. Supports Muscle Recovery: After intense physical activity or exercise, bromelain can aid in muscle recovery by reducing inflammation and promoting faster healing of micro-tears in muscle tissue.

4. Natural Pain Relief: Bromelain acts as a natural analgesic, helping to relieve pain without the side effects associated with conventional painkillers.

Fun Recipe: Pineapple Tea with Bromelain

Enjoy a soothing cup of pineapple tea to harness the benefits of bromelain for pain relief. This delicious and refreshing tea is easy to make and perfect for sipping throughout the day. Several family members have asked me for my pineapple tea recipes, and I’ve got quite a few! Here’s a versatile one that’s always a hit. Feel free to get creative with it—I’ve experimented with adding lemons, limes, and even green tea leaves for extra nutrients. During winter, when inflammation flares up, I often throw in turmeric and paprika for their anti-inflammatory properties. The possibilities are endless!

Pineapple Tea Recipe 

– 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks (including the core, where bromelain is most concentrated)
– 2 cups water
– 1-2 teaspoons honey
– 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated
– Fresh mint leaves for garnish

1. Boil: In a medium saucepan, bring the water to a boil.
2. Simmer: Add the pineapple chunks and grated ginger to the boiling water. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes.
3. Strain: Remove from heat and strain the tea into a teapot or cups, discarding the pineapple chunks.
4. Sweeten: Stir in honey if desired for a touch of sweetness.
5. Garnish: Garnish with fresh mint leaves.
6. Enjoy: Sip and enjoy the warm, soothing benefits of your homemade pineapple tea!

This delightful pineapple tea not only tastes great but also helps reduce inflammation and pain naturally, thanks to the bromelain content.

Bromelain from pineapple is a natural and effective way to manage pain. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties make it a great alternative to traditional pain medications. Incorporating bromelain-rich foods like pineapple into your diet, or enjoying a cup of pineapple tea, can provide significant relief from pain and improve your overall quality of life.

Embrace the healing power of bromelain and enjoy the sweet taste of natural pain relief!


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We have a wonderful group of passionate members dedicated to natural healing and sharing!
Together, we explore the wonders of herbal remedies, seasonal recipes, food conservation, mindfulness, sustainable living, and everything in between.  Join our shared mission of promoting natural healing, self-care, and well-being. Your contributions matter, and together, we are creating a healthier, happier life.

Disclaimer: We are an affiliate of many companies, which means that we may receive a commission if you click on our affiliate link and make a purchase. However, this does not affect our reviews and comparisons. We strive to provide honest opinions and recommendations based on our own experiences and research. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.

Magnesium Glycinate vs. Sleeping Aids

Magnesium Glycinate vs. Sleeping Aids


Magnesium Glycinate vs. Sleeping Aids: Navigating the Path to Natural, Restful Sleep

As someone who once relied on a daily regimen of 17 medications to address various health issues, falling asleep was never a challenge for me. With the assistance of additional sleep medications, I could easily prepare for bedtime. However, when I made the decision to discontinue my medications, I encountered difficulties with sleep. It was during this time that I learned about magnesium glycinate and its remarkable effects from someone who had experienced its wonders. Intrigued, I decided to incorporate it into my routine, and I’ve been taking it every night since then. So why wouldn’t I want to tell the world how wonderful it truly is? Let’s do this!

In the quest for a good night’s sleep, the choice between natural alternatives and conventional sleeping aids can significantly impact not only the quality of your rest but also your overall well-being. One such natural remedy gaining attention is magnesium glycinate, renowned for its sleep-promoting properties. Let’s explore the benefits of magnesium glycinate for better sleep and compare it to traditional sleeping aids to help you make an informed choice for your natural healing journey.

The Pitfalls of Conventional Sleeping Aids:

1. Dependency and Tolerance: Traditional sleeping aids, whether over-the-counter or prescription, carry the risk of dependency and tolerance. Over time, the body may become accustomed to the sedative effects, necessitating higher doses for the same impact and increasing the likelihood of reliance.

2. Side Effects and Morning Grogginess: Many sleeping aids come with a list of potential side effects, including drowsiness, dizziness, and a lingering sense of grogginess upon waking. These aftereffects can impede daytime functioning and leave individuals feeling less than refreshed.

3. Disruption of Natural Sleep Cycles: Some sleeping aids may induce sleep but fail to support the natural sleep cycles essential for restorative rest. This disruption can lead to fragmented and less restful sleep, potentially contributing to long-term sleep issues.

4. Health Risks and Complications: Long-term use of sleeping aids has been associated with various health risks, including respiratory issues, cognitive impairment, and an increased susceptibility to accidents. The potential for adverse effects underscores the importance of seeking natural alternatives.

Magnesium Glycinate: Nature’s Sleep Supporter:

1. Calming Nervous System:
Magnesium glycinate supports the regulation of the nervous system, exerting a calming influence that helps ease tension and promote relaxation. This natural approach contributes to a more tranquil mental state conducive to sleep.

2. Muscle Relaxation:
Renowned for its muscle-relaxing properties, magnesium glycinate helps release tension in the body, alleviating physical stress that may interfere with a restful night’s sleep.

3. GABA Production:
Magnesium glycinate supports the production of GABA, a neurotransmitter known for its calming effects on the brain. This natural mechanism aids in reducing neuronal excitability, promoting relaxation and improved sleep quality.

4. Circadian Rhythm Regulation:
Maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm is essential for a well-regulated sleep-wake cycle. Magnesium glycinate influences the body’s internal clock, supporting a natural and consistent sleep pattern.

5. Gentle on the Digestive System:
Unlike some magnesium forms that may cause digestive discomfort, magnesium glycinate is gentle on the stomach, making it a well-tolerated option for those seeking a sleep aid without the risk of digestive issues.

Making an Informed Choice:

In the comparison between magnesium glycinate and conventional sleeping aids, the natural approach offered a compelling case for me while seeking a holistic and sustainable solution to sleep challenges. Embracing magnesium glycinate as a part of my nightly routine aligns with the principles of natural healing, supporting my body’s innate ability to achieve restful and rejuvenating sleep.

However, it’s essential to recognize that individual responses may vary, and consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable before introducing any new supplements or medications. By understanding the potential benefits of magnesium glycinate and weighing them against the risks associated with traditional sleeping aids, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your commitment to natural healing and overall well-being. Choose the path that not only leads to better sleep but also nurtures your body and mind in harmony with nature’s wisdom.

Here’s my favorite product: 

Join Our Facebook Group

We have a wonderful group of passionate members dedicated to natural healing and sharing!
Together, we explore the wonders of herbal remedies, seasonal recipes, food conservation, mindfulness, sustainable living, and everything in between.  Join our shared mission of promoting natural healing, self-care, and well-being. Your contributions matter, and together, we are creating a healthier, happier life.

Disclaimer: We are an affiliate of many companies, which means that we may receive a commission if you click on our affiliate link and make a purchase. However, this does not affect our reviews and comparisons. We strive to provide honest opinions and recommendations based on our own experiences and research. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.

Exploring the Root Causes of Illness

Exploring the Root Causes of Illness

Exploring the Root Cause of Illness

Exploring the Root Causes of Illness

In the pursuit of true wellness, understanding and addressing the root causes of illness is viral. Rather than merely managing symptoms, exploring the underlying factors contributing to health issues can pave the way for lasting and transformative healing. When opting for traditional medicines to address an illness, it’s not uncommon to encounter side effects. However, by addressing the root cause, you have the opportunity to resolve the issue at its core, rather than merely alleviating the associated symptoms on a temporary basis. 
Listed below are trusted sources I have collected to help you reach the root cause of your illness.
Feel free to join our Facebook Group—a supportive community that lends strength to one another during challenging times.

Here is the list of reputable resources supported by links and citations.

  1. Functional Medicine Approach:
    • The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) advocates a holistic approach, emphasizing personalized care to identify and address the root causes of illness. IFM Website
    • Chris Kresser
  2. Nutrition and Lifestyle Choices:
    •, led by Dr. Michael Greger, offers evidence-based insights into the impact of nutrition on health.
    • Dr. Mark Hyman’s website explores the role of lifestyle factors in health and wellness. Dr. Mark Hyman
  3. Mind-Body Connection:
    • The Chopra Center focuses on the mind-body connection and offers resources for holistic well-being. Chopra Center
    • The Center for Mind-Body Medicine provides tools for understanding and harnessing the power of the mind in healing. CMBM
  4. Holistic Health and Functional Nutrition:
    • Dr. Axe’s website offers insights into holistic health, functional nutrition, and natural remedies. Dr. Axe
    • Mercola provides articles on natural health and wellness from a holistic perspective. Mercola
  5. Environmental Health:
    • The Environmental Working Group (EWG) provides information on the impact of environmental factors on health. EWG
    • The Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE) explores the links between environmental exposures and health outcomes. CHE
  6. Autoimmune Conditions and Paleo Approach:
    • The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) offers resources on autoimmune conditions. AARDA
    • The Paleo Mom, founded by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, explores the autoimmune protocol and its impact on health. The Paleo Mom
  7. Gut Health:
    • The Gut Health Doctor provides information on gut health and its connection to overall well-being. Gut Health Doctor
    • Gut Microbiota for Health shares research and insights on the role of the gut microbiota in health. Gut Microbiota for Health

Natural Remedies for Common Illnesses

I have provided options for the remedies below that are approved by Yuka. They all have received an excellent rating.

Common Cold and Flu:

Remedies: Elderberry syrup, echinacea, garlic & honey, ginger tea, and adequate hydration.
Prevention: Handwashing, maintaining good hygiene, and a balanced diet.

Digestive Issues (Indigestion, Gas, Bloating):
Remedies: Peppermint tea, ginger, fennel seeds, probiotics, and chamomile tea. Try this tea: 
Prevention: Eating slowly, avoiding overeating, and maintaining a fiber-rich diet.

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders:
Remedies: Valerian root, chamomile tea, lavender essential oil, melatonin-rich foods (cherries), and establishing a bedtime routine. Try this tea:
Prevention: Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and avoiding stimulants before bedtime.

Stress and Anxiety:
Remedies: Lavender essential oil, chamomile tea, passionflower, mindfulness meditation, and exercise. Try this tea:
Prevention: Regular exercise, stress management techniques, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

Joint Pain and Arthritis:
Remedies: Turmeric (curcumin), ginger, omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil), Epsom salt baths, and boswellia. Try this tea:
Prevention: Regular low-impact exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and a balanced diet.

Headaches and Migraines:
Remedies: Peppermint oil, ginger tea, magnesium supplements, and relaxation techniques. Try this essential oil:
Prevention: Identifying triggers, staying hydrated, maintaining regular sleep patterns, and managing stress.

Remedies: Quercetin-rich foods (onions, apples), nettle tea, local honey, and butterbur supplements. Try this supplement:
Prevention: Identifying and avoiding allergens, maintaining good indoor air quality, and staying hydrated.

Skin Issues (Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis):
Remedies: Aloe vera, tea tree oil, chamomile, calendula, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Prevention: Proper skincare, a balanced diet, and identifying and avoiding triggers.

Embarking on the journey to uncover the root causes of illness requires a multifaceted approach. By leveraging the expertise and resources provided by these reputable websites, individuals can gain valuable insights into holistic health, personalized medicine, and the interconnected nature of well-being. Remember to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice based on your individual health profile.
Here’s to a journey of discovery and lasting health!


Join Our Facebook Group

We have a wonderful group of passionate members dedicated to natural healing and sharing!
Together, we explore the wonders of herbal remedies, seasonal recipes, food conservation, mindfulness, sustainable living, and everything in between.  Join our shared mission of promoting natural healing, self-care, and well-being. Your contributions matter, and together, we are creating a healthier, happier life.

Disclaimer: We are an affiliate of many companies, which means that we may receive a commission if you click on our affiliate link and make a purchase. However, this does not affect our reviews and comparisons. We strive to provide honest opinions and recommendations based on our own experiences and research. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.

Margie’s Favorite Holiday Finds

Margie’s Favorite Holiday Finds


Margie’s Favorite Things

Our commitment to natural healing resonates with me this holiday season, I have found some fun finds this year.
Each gift thoughtfully reflects The Earth Heals’ mission of natural wellness.

Join me on a journey through my favorite finds—products that not only make wonderful presents but also will make you feel good about giving them. From nourishing self-care essentials to eco-conscious finds, each item encapsulates the spirit of nurturing well-being, both within and around us.

Let’s unwrap my top picks. 🌿🎁

Reusable Silicon Bags

The STASHER is endlessly reusable, resealable, silicone storage bag that eliminates single-use plastics.  I am replacing all of my single use storage bags. I love the idea of being able to use these for everyday and also for the freezer, They have a wide range of colors and lots of bundles too. Their locking seal is amazing for liquids. One side is smooth, and one side is matte finish. Great for labeling.
My favorite economy version is LERINE.

You will see these highlighted in my Meal Prep Series in January.



Electric Tea Kettle

The Cuisinart Electric kettle is our most used appliance. We used this multiple times a day!

  • Tea (morning, noon and nighttime)
  • Sanitizing kitchen sink and other items
  • French Press
  • Pour-over coffee
  • Reheating rice and pasta
  • Quick hot water for cooking
Vitamix Blender

This is a staple in our house. You first saw me use it in my Frozen Lemonade Tonic. I also shared with you one of my favorite soups, Tomato Soup.  I used this multiple times per day. I chose Vitamix because of its reputation of being handed down, not thrown away, which I love. It is powerful with it’s aircraft-grade stainless steel blades that breaks up even the toughest ingredients, it is a metal drive system that connects the container to the motor base—allowing better blends and a longer lifespan. And, it is self cleaning! Add warm water and a drop of soap and 30 seconds later, your blender is ready for it’s next task. 

  • Smoothies
  • Soups
  • Frozen Desserts
  • Nut Butters
  • Non Dairy Milks
  • Sauces
  • Baby Food
  • Dressings
  • Marinades
  • Flours
  • Food Prep
Mini Trampoline

If you are looking for something that will change the way YOU (and your loved ones) look at exercise, consider REBOUNDING. 

For MANY reasons, the mini trampoline is at the top of my list of favorite things this year! I feel like I have finally found the perfect exercise that I can stick with for the rest of my life. If you are looking for the perfect gift, you will never go wrong giving the gift of HEALTH.
Listed below are the long list of benefits. HERE ARE MINE:

  • Low Impact on my joints
  • 10 minutes of trampoline workout is the same as 40 minutes of running (See Report from NASA)
  • Convenient – At home and at any time, rain or shine!
  • It is FUN!!!! No, seriously! It.Is.Fun. You can keep your own pace during workouts. You can move without leaving the trampoline or you can jump high into the air –  Sign Up for the FREE Trial  It takes about 2 minutes of jumping to shake off a bad mood 😄
  • Lymphatic System Stimulations – this is the reason I tried this. I had my salivary gland removed a while back and some days I need to manually massage to reduce the swelling.
  • Weight Loss – The constant bouncing engages multiple muscle groups, revs up your metabolism, and aids in weight management. It strengthens every single cell of the body, both muscle and non-muscle.
  • I look forward to it – I don’t dread it. 200+ workouts accompanying this rebounder are incredibly fun. You can pick what you enjoy.
    Even rebounding while you watch the news or watch your YouTube in the morning will have dramatic benefits on your health.

1. Cardiovascular Fitness

Rebounding isn’t just about bouncing up and down; it’s a cardiovascular workout in disguise. The rhythmic bouncing engages large muscle groups and gets your heart pumping, improving blood circulation and enhancing your cardiovascular fitness. This low-impact exercise can be particularly beneficial for individuals who need a gentler option for their heart health.

2. Lymphatic System Boost

Your lymphatic system plays a vital role in removing toxins and waste from your body. Rebounding helps stimulate the lymphatic system, promoting detoxification and improving immune function. The up-and-down motion of bouncing helps to open and close lymphatic valves, allowing the lymph fluid to flow more efficiently. This can contribute to a healthier immune system and better overall well-being.

3. Bone Density Enhancement

As you bounce, the gravitational force changes with each jump, creating a light impact on your bones. This can be especially advantageous for those concerned about bone density loss. Rebounding is known to stimulate bone remodeling, promoting the growth of stronger bones. It’s a valuable exercise for individuals of all ages, especially older adults looking to prevent osteoporosis.

4. Core Strengthening

Maintaining balance and stability on the trampoline engages your core muscles. With consistent rebounding, you can tone and strengthen your abdominal and back muscles. A strong core not only helps with posture but also provides a solid foundation for other physical activities.

5. Stress Reduction

Exercise, in general, is a great stress reliever, and rebounding is no exception. The repetitive motion and the rush of endorphins that come with it can help alleviate stress and improve your mood. It’s a playful way to release tension and clear your mind after a long day.

6. Joint Health

Unlike high-impact exercises that can strain joints, rebounding offers a low-impact option that’s gentle on your joints. The cushioning effect of the trampoline reduces the risk of joint injuries, making it suitable for individuals with joint pain or arthritis. Regular rebounding can improve joint mobility and flexibility.

7. Weight Management

Rebounding is an effective calorie-burning activity. The constant bouncing engages multiple muscle groups, revs up your metabolism, and aids in weight management. It’s a versatile workout that can be tailored to different fitness levels and goals.

8. Improved Coordination and Balance

Maintaining stability while bouncing challenges your coordination and balance skills. Over time, these skills can improve, benefiting your overall physical performance and reducing the risk of falls, especially in older individuals.

9. Cognitive Enhancement

Believe it or not, rebounding can also have positive effects on your brain. The increased blood flow and oxygen delivery that come with cardiovascular exercise can enhance cognitive function, including memory and focus. Bouncing on a trampoline might just be the fun brain boost you didn’t know you needed.

10. Convenience and Enjoyment

Rebounding offers the convenience of being a home-based exercise. You don’t need a large space to set up a mini trampoline, and you can fit in a quick workout whenever you have a few spare minutes. The playful nature of bouncing can also make your workout sessions more enjoyable, encouraging consistency in your routine.

In a world where staying active is essential for overall health, rebounding presents itself as a versatile and enjoyable option. From cardiovascular fitness and bone density enhancement to stress reduction and cognitive enhancement, the benefits of rebounding are as diverse as they are impressive. Whether you’re seeking a low-impact exercise, a creative way to boost your lymphatic system, or an effective stress reliever, bouncing on a mini trampoline offers something for everyone.

Remember, as with any new exercise, it’s important to start slowly and listen to your body.
So, why not add a little bounce to your life and reap the rewards of this fun and effective workout?

Your health and well-being will thank you for it!

Use code EARTHHEALS for 10% off just in time for the holidays. They are currently running some amazing deals for the holidays as well. I just discovered their workouts to go with the trampolines.


From the type of workout, to the duration, and the music, it is perfect!
And, I love the instructor, Sydney. She is friendly, fun-loving, and most important, Authentic. She has struggled with her weight after a gymnastics injury that led her to rebounding as a safe exercise for lower back pain. 

There are many rebounder options to choose from $129.00 – $649.00. This one is $129.99 + 10% Off with EARTHHEALS Discount Code. ONETWOFIT 48″ SILENT REBOUNDER
Regular price$129.99 USD ($116.99) + FREE Shipping.  I chose this one because of the size and their reputation. 

TheEARthHealsTrampoline ProductImg

I highly recommend the workouts at Bounce N’ Burn . They offer 200 + workouts with 3 new ones released each week. They have a 5-day trial to see if this is for you. I just signed up for a year. They have a special at 50% off per month and per year.


They have a Facebook Group, monthly challenges, and a variety of fun workouts with great music. That is what sold me.

Sign Up for the FREE Trial 

5 Days to take a look at their offerings. Here is a peak at their classes:

Use Discount Code MARGIEESPE2212 at checkout for 50% off!


Don’t Forget Our Very Own The Earth Heals Products

Perfect Stocking Stuffers


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Insight Timer

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Meditation, Sleep, Breathwork, Yoga, Contemplation. Wellness means different things to different people. With a focus on personalization and choice, more time is spent on Insight Timer than all other meditation apps.



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